
Registration is now open for the WG "The challenge of the urban: intersections, resistances, utopias" (coordinated by Graça Cordeiro and Joan Pujadas, with Heitor Frúgoli Jr. as debater) at the next APA congress (Évora, 6-9/9/ 2022,, whose communication must be sent by 3/18/2022, in Portuguese or Spanish, preferably (

We are happy to release the new 11 entries published in the Anthropology Encyclopedia (EA) this semester, including biographical profiles on indigenous intellectuals, anthropologists and anthropologists from Algeria, United States and India, works and concepts, as well as our first subfield entry. The entries will be released throughout this week and the next on our social networks: @ea_antropo (Twitter and Instagram). Help spread the word about EA by sharing it in your study and research groups, also on your lists. Next contributions will be received by the end of March 2022. See the website:

The film Woya Hayi Mawe - Where are you going?, produced by LISA directed by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft and edited by Ricardo Dionisio, received the Honorable Mention in the feature film category, at the Ana Maria Galano award, at the 45th. ANPOCS Annual Meeting. The film and other materials from the anthropologists' research with African artists residing in São Paulo are available at

What do African musicians and artists who arrived in São Paulo in recent years bring in their luggage? What impacts do they have on the artistic worlds and on social struggles in the city?

The Afro-Sampas website brings together, in films and essays, the music and art that are born from the encounters between Africans and other inhabitants of this megalopolis.

Visit and watch the full documentary Woya Hayi Mawe – Where are you going?, starring the Mozambican Lenna Bahule, and the short Tabuluja (Wake up!), with the Congolese Shambuyi Wetu. Also visit Afro-Sampas, the meeting of Lenna, Yannick Delass (Democratic Republic of Congo), Edoh Amassize and Sassou Espoir Ametoglo (Togo) with Brazilians Ari Colares, Chico Saraiva and Meno Del Picchia. Also access photo essays, performance records and more.

Afro-Sampas is the result of the project “Making music and African cultural heritage in São Paulo”, developed by anthropologists Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft, together with the FAPESP Thematic Project “Local music: new tracks for Ethnomusicology” (2016/05318- 7), and has the support of the Pro-Rectory of Culture and Extension of the University of São Paulo through the 5th EDITAL SANTANDER/USP/FUSP for the Promotion of Culture and Extension Initiatives.

The book, which has just come out by aba publications label, is available on aba's website: - the volume titles are organized alphabetically. With this link, you can access directly!

The ethnographic film “Canto de Família”, by Paula Bessa Braz, doctoral student at PPGAS, and Mihai Andrei Leaha, post-doctoral student, had its premiere at the In-Edit Brasil festival of Musical Documentary.

The film was made with the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at USP and with the support of LISA, based on research conducted by Paula during her master's degree on the “affective music” that inhabits the home and the daily life of the Cruz Family at outskirts of Fortaleza.

The film received a special mention from the jury, highlighting the sensitive and direct way in which it addresses family life and its unique relationship with music, which is revealed in subtleties, gestures, words and sounds. The film will be available online and free of charge until 30/06 on the In-Edit platform, and from then on it will be shown for three months on the SPCine platform.

Event (6/4/2021) with the presence of Prof. João Baptista Borges Pereira, on the role of Prof. Egon Schaden in the foundation in 1953, and in his work as editor, for many years, of the Journal of Anthropology (DA/FFLCH/USP), the first anthropology journal in Brazil:

New deadline for submissions: 16/05/2021

Find out more on GIS website:

Instigated by the intelligible and sensitive religious knowledge of traditional religions and the various forms of spiritual belonging that escape the formal religious structure, but connect the human being with what he calls sacred, we seek in this dossier to build a map of the representations that pass through their images, their performances that reveal rituals and sacred belongings.The expressive forms gain different nuances in religious spaces, in view of certain restrictions, which means that the researcher has to resort to different aesthetic and research strategies to compose his universe imagetic and performative. & nbsp; The symbolic universe of religious rituals, the digressions between religion and politics, the expressions of decoloniality, the body given to devotion and other analyzes involving discussions about sensitive expressions through images, performances, poetry etc., will be well welcome.

Submissions and guidelines for

Chief Editor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Editorial Coordinator: Paula Morgado
Responsible Editor vol 6: Francirosy Campos Barbosa (USP), Pedro Simonard (UNIT),  Rubens Alves da Silva (UFMG)
Executive Secretary: Lucas Ramiro
Trainee: Leonardo Pereira dos Santos
Editorial Committee: Andrea Barbosa, Edgar Teodoro da Cunha, Érica Giesbrecht, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, John Cowart Dawsey, Paula Morgado, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Vitor Grunvald

Our Social Sciences course (of which Anthropology is part) obtained an honorable ranking among 2,680 institutions in the SCImago ranking:

Registration is now open for participation in the Reflective Group to Support Permanence.

GRAPUSP (Reflective Group of Support to Permanence at the University of São Paulo) has been working, since May 2019, with the theme of bonds in the university space. The hour and a half meetings are weekly, conducted by psychologists and psychology students. The group is an open and free space for students of all courses, undergraduate and graduate courses at USP, with the exception of the Institute of Psychology, upon prior registration and continues to operate online during the covid-19 pandemic.

GRAPUSP is indicated for people who want to understand and find psychological and affective possibilities of being at USP. It appears as a proposal for a space that cultivates healthy relationships, allows speech and exchange of experiences, so that it is also possible to find common experiences, create a community within USP, which can seem a hostile place in many moments.

It is a group psychological treatment, but it is not psychotherapy. The meetings are exclusively verbal or mediated by photos. The objective is to reflect on the link with the University, seeking to mitigate the sufferings that may originate in this relationship.​​​​​​​

Registration can be made from this form.