
"New York, another city", a film by Brazilian anthropologists and documentary filmmakers André Lopes (phD candidate PPGAS-USP) and Joana Brandão (UFSB), was awarded last Saturday, March 27, with the award for best documentary short at the international ethnographic film festival of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI). The film was awarded the Marsh Short Film Prize which awards "the most outstanding short documentary in anthropology or archaeology", according to the festival's words. RAI is one of the largest and most important ethnographic film festivals in the world, having received film entries from 75 countries in 2021. The film was the only Brazilian work awarded at the festival.

"New York, another city" (2019, 18 min) recounts the experience of Brazilian indigenous filmmaker Patrícia Ferreira Para Yxapy in New York and her reflections when visiting the American Museum of Natural History. By deconstructing the colonial strategies of representation of the great museum through the gaze of Patricia herself, the documentary is an exercise in reverse anthropology, in which western ways of thinking and representing indigenous peoples are scrutinized by the powerful speeches of the indigenous filmmaker. The contradictions of life in the North American metropolis and of non-indians in general are also addressed by the young leadership of the Mbya Guarani people compared to the ways of their people's existence.

André Lopes is a phD student by Professor Renato Sztutman in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, and, like Joana Brandão, made the film during a period of research abroad, when the filmmakers remained as visiting researchers in the Department of Anthropology of The University of New York, under the guidance of Professor Faye Ginsburg. Both had a grant from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Watch the movie trailer at the link:

The full movie is available for a limited time at the link:

Volume 2 of the journal Trajectoria of the National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) in Osaka (Japan) has just been published. The volume, organized by Mihai Leaha, postdoctoral student in the Department of Anthropology at USP, is titled "Confronting Museums: Collaboration, Reception, and Experiment in "Tabuluja (Wake Up!)" and "New York, just another city". Two films made by researchers from the Department of Anthropology of USP are part of the volume, which also brings a discussion with the directors and protagonists, André Lopes Neves, phD student at PPGAS-USP, Joana Brandão and Patrícia Ferreira Pará Yxapy (New York, just another city) and Rose Satiko Hikiji, professor in the Department of Anthropology, Jasper Chalcraft and Shambuyi Wetu (Tabuluja - Wake up!).

Find out more on GIS website:

Instigated by the intelligible and sensitive religious knowledge of traditional religions and the various forms of spiritual belonging that escape the formal religious structure, but connect the human being with what he calls sacred, we seek in this dossier to build a map of the representations that pass through their images, their performances that reveal rituals and sacred belongings.The expressive forms gain different nuances in religious spaces, in view of certain restrictions, which means that the researcher has to resort to different aesthetic and research strategies to compose his universe imagetic and performative. & nbsp; The symbolic universe of religious rituals, the digressions between religion and politics, the expressions of decoloniality, the body given to devotion and other analyzes involving discussions about sensitive expressions through images, performances, poetry etc., will be well welcome.

Deadline for submissions:30/04/2021

Submissions and guidelines for

Chief Editor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Editorial Coordinator: Paula Morgado
Responsible Editor vol 6: Francirosy Campos Barbosa (USP), Pedro Simonard (UNIT),  Rubens Alves da Silva (UFMG)
Executive Secretary: Lucas Ramiro
Trainee: Leonardo Pereira dos Santos
Editorial Committee: Andrea Barbosa, Edgar Teodoro da Cunha, Érica Giesbrecht, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, John Cowart Dawsey, Paula Morgado, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Vitor Grunvald

"Some young black people are already entering university, that's the big change, but overall the situation of the black population is largely marginalization. They are underrepresented in all sectors of national life," he said:

In addition to Anthropology, other three areas of FFLCH are among the top 50 in the world. Click here to check it out.

Completing five years of existence, the Encyclopedia of Anthropology - - has just acquired ISSN - 2676-038X (online). In addition, the EA website was updated and improved, and the editorial board expanded, with the incorporation of colleagues from UNICAMP, UNIFESP, UFSCAR and UNESP- Arar. The Encyclopedia is also found on Facebook and Twitter.

Visit the website and help us to spread it!

The Department of Anthropology and the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology congratulate sane. Manuela Carneiro da Cunha for the Award for Academic Recognition in Human Rights awarded to her by Unicamp - Vladimir Herzog Institute, for her interdisciplinary work for cultural diversity, security environmental conservation, with emphasis on the enhancement of cultural heritage and knowledge of indigenous peoples and safeguarding the rights of future generations.

Productions of the students of the anthropology and music course are on the instagram Antropologia20x20. The publications have the format of 20 slides of 20 seconds addressing topics researched by students in 2020. Take a look!

The film Afro-Sampas, directed by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft and produced at the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP) received the award for best feature film at the 44th annual meeting of ANPOCS. See the movie teaser here.

In 2020 LISA celebrated 20 years of film production. There are works of students from different stages of research, initiation, master's, doctorate, post-doctorate, in addition to the work of professors.
Check the catalog of this production! Watch the videos produced at LISA!