
Deserved tribute to Professor Kabengele Munanga, who received this 32nd. RBA
the Roquette Pinto medal. His speech on receiving the award is an evident demonstration
its trajectory, its anti-racist struggle and how much that struggle is still necessary, until
even in an association such as ABA and in academic circles in general.
Established in 2003, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1st RBA, the Roquette Pinto medal is the
most important distinction granted to people, whose trajectory and work have
made significant contributions to the various dimensions in Anthropology.

Congratulations Kabê !!!

Three films made by researchers from PPGAS-USP received the Pierre Verger award at the 32nd. Brazilian Anthropology Meeting.

The Pierre Verger Award (PPV) for ethnographic films, from the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA) and the Visual Anthropology Committee (CAV), was created in 1996 and now, in 2020, celebrates its 24th anniversary. The inclusion of the award for photo-ethnographic essays appeared a few years later, in 2002, and completes 18 years in this edition.

The films are available until 11/06 on the award website:

Woya Hayi Mawe - Where are you going?, by Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji (DA teacher) and Jasper Chalcraft, received the award for best medium film.
Click here to check out the movie (you must register on the website).

Monocultura da Fé, by Joana Moncau and Gabriela Moncau (master's student PPGAS, supervised by Heloisa Buarque de Almeida), was awarded 2nd place in the short film category
Click here to check out the movie (you must register on the website).

Ãjãí: the ball game of Mỹky and Manoki, by André Lopes (PhD student PPGAS, supervised by Renato Sztutman) and Typju Mỹky, received an honorable mention.
Click here to check the movie. (you must register on the website).

Three students from the Social Sciences course at FFLCH-USP received the Lévi-Strauss award at the 32nd. Brazilian Anthropology Meeting.

The Lévi-Strauss Award is an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology in honor of Claude Lévi-Strauss's contribution to Anthropology and aims to stimulate new careers and give visibility to the original and high-quality academic production developed during graduation.

Poster mode:

Kelwin Marques Garcia dos Santos
Advisor: Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji
The constitution of the body and the locality in maracatu de baque virado: an approach based on multimodal anthropology.
Presentation link of Kelwin's work during the award.

Laila Zilber Kontic
Advisor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
The Yanomami and shamanism through Claudia Andujar's photographs
Link to the presentation of Laila's work during the award.

Article mode:
2nd Place: Ana Carolina Braga Azevedo
Advisor: Heloisa Buarque de Almeida
"Disputing categories: the clashes and political / militant, media and legal narratives around a public case"

To check the presentation of the works presented during the event, click here.

Three films produced with the support of LISA are competing for the Pierre Verger Award at ABA this year, between October 26th and 30th!

Are they:
Ãjãí. The head game of Myky and Manoki by André Lopes and Typju Myky - Check out the Trailer!
New York, another city by André Lopes and Joana Brandão - Check out the Trailer!
Woya Hayi Mawe - Where are you going? by Rose Satiko G. Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft - Check out the Trailer!

The Pierre Verger Award (PPV) for ethnographic films, from the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA) and the Visual Anthropology Committee (CAV), was created in 1996 and now, in 2020, celebrates its 24th anniversary. The inclusion of the award for photo-ethnographic essays appeared a few years later, in 2002, and completes 18 years in this edition.

In this 32nd Brazilian Meeting of Anthropology, PPV happens as a pre-event of the Brazilian Meeting of Anthropology, between October 26th and 30th. For the first time, and due to the pandemic caused by the Corona virus, this 13th edition of Ethnographic Films and the 10th edition of photographic essays will be held in a remote format. Altogether there will be 21 ethnographic films and 20 photo essays competing in the 2020 awards.

You must register to see the films and watch the scheduled debates.
The movie links will be available from 10/26 to 6/11/2020

To register:
To enter:

Two undergraduate research carried out under the guidance of professors from the Department of Anthropology are finalists in the VIII Lévi-Strauss Award of the 32nd ABA meeting.
See on the event website

Kelwin Marques Garcia dos Santos
The constitution of the body and the locality in the maracatu de baque virado.

Advisor: Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Research presentation video:

Laila Zilber Kontic
The Yanomami and shamanism through Claudia Andujar's photographs

Advisor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes

Research presentation video:

The Lévi-Strauss Award is an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology that aims to stimulate new careers and give visibility to the original and high-quality academic production at graduation, including results from research projects, extension, teaching initiation and other academic initiatives. Currently, the award is in its eighth edition and, at the 32nd RBA, it will be held entirely in a virtual manner.

Mobilization of CEstA-USP against the genocide of indigenous peoples in the pandemic of the new coronavirus

In dozens of villages in the Indigenous Lands and indigenous neighborhoods in Brazilian cities, an increasing number of deaths and cases of illness by covid-19 have been recorded. In a political scenario marked by the State's omission due to the high lethality rate of the disease among indigenous peoples, the indigenous movement and its organizations have been reacting to the situation in a forceful way and calling their partners to joint action.
Responding to this situation, CEstA-USP opens a space for its national and international network of indigenous and non-indigenous researchers and other partners, in order to share reflections, reports and information materials on regional situations and support initiatives. The objective is to monitor and document the development of the pandemic among indigenous peoples, paying attention to violations of rights, given the risk of imminent genocide. We also want to give visibility to local perspectives and solutions, in addition to building a memory space for victims of the covid-19.

In this way, CEstA-USP pays tribute to families and communities that have been losing dear relatives affected by the disease, and expresses its support to those who are currently struggling without the slightest recourse to recover the health of their patients and to guarantee the recommended conditions. health authorities to prevent and cope with the new coronavirus.

Civil mobilization to guarantee the constitutional right of indigenous peoples to health is necessary as never before. This urgency stems from the deliberate and criminal paralysis of the current government in guaranteeing fundamental rights and promoting effective public policies for one of the most vulnerable segments of Brazilian society.

We therefore invite CEstA's network of employees to share materials of various kinds, such as support and fundraising initiatives and campaigns; reports on the situations faced by indigenous people across the country; reflections on the pandemic; or texts in honor of victims of the covid-19. They are being collected and published on this special page:

 Contributions to this information, reflection and memory network can be shared at, with the subject “Indigenous and covid-19”.

Commission “Indigenous peoples in front of covid-19”
Coordination of CEstA-USP
Profª. Drª. Marta Rosa Amoroso

Researchers from CEstA-USP
Karen Shiratori
Lauriene Seraguza
Luísa Valentini
Rafael Pacheco
Tatiane Klein

Povos indígenas frente à covid-19

The documentary Afrosampas, by professors Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Hikiji will be shown at In-Edit Brasil - International Music Documentary Festival! The festival takes place online, from 10/09 to 20/09 on the platform

African artists who migrated to São Paulo talk about their artistic experiences and their relationship with their new surroundings.

Check out this link for the movie teaser!

GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal welcomes articles, photo/sound/ audiovisual/literary essays, translations, interviews and reviews on an ongoing basis.
The anthropology of expressive forms (image, sound, performance, literature and art) is the focus of the journal.

Guidelines for authors may be found on journal's website.
Deadline: October 4th, 2020

Volume 6 will also include Dossier "Local Musicking"
The notion of local musicking has received attention in the field of ethnomusicology. In recent years, a series of initiatives (congresses, research projects, books, dossiers, etc.) has been carried out in order to develop this concept within the scope of the study of musical knowledge and practices. This expression unites the concept of "musicking" - as proposed by Christopher Small's - with the notion of locality, encompassing considerations of Arjun Appadurai and Ruth Finnegan. Musicking is used to refer to any form of engagement with music, including not only its formal aspects but also performances, discussions about music and sound, musical enjoyment, etc. Considering musicking as a local practice implies that musical activities are built locality and locals are musically built. This dossier seeks to gather contributions (articles, audio / visual essays, reviews, interviews, translations) that work with the notion of local musicking and its interfaces, discussing whether specific ethnographic cases from which this notion gains light or theoretical discussions on this concept.  


Chief Editor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Editorial Coordinator: Paula Morgado
Responsible Editor vol 5: Andrea Barbosa
Executive Secretary: Lucas Ramiro
Trainee: Leonardo Pereira dos Santos
Editorial Committee: Andrea Barbosa, Edgar Teodoro da Cunha, Érica Giesbrecht, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, John Cowart Dawsey, Paula Morgado, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Vitor Grunvald

Check out the 3 films produced / supported by LISA:
- Marruá in the Amazon: street theater, river and forest
- Piragui. The owner of the fish
- Tabuluja (Wake up!))


The virtual conference of the III Mostra Arandu of Ethnographic Films organized by the research group AVAEDOC (Visual Anthropology, Arts, Ethnography and Documentaries) was invited by Professor Sylvia Caiuby Novaes.
Conference broadcast link:

Check the complete schedule of the III MANDRA ARANDU through the link:


Marruá in the Amazon: street theater, river and forest; 52 - direction: Carolina Abreu

Seu Pernambuco; 12 ’- direction: Lisabete Coradini, Maria Ângela Pavan, Ygor Felipe

Closed sign - Show time, show time !; 55 ’- direction: Jocilene Ramos Bastos and Nilson Almino de Freitas

Tabuluja (Wake up!); 21 ’- direction: Shambuyi Wetu, Rose Satiko Hikiji, Jasper Chalcraft


The dust of time: figures and legends of the foundation of the gaucho land; 55 ’- direction: Ana Luiza Carvalho da Rocha

Piragui. The owner of the fish; 21 ’- direction: Luiza Calagian

The water book; 72 ’- direction: Marco Antonio Gonçalves

Vitalino's house / Alto do Moura; 22 '- direction: Glauco Fernandes Machado

Organizing Committee

Collective AVAEDOC (Visual Anthropology, Arts, Ethnographies and Documentaries)

Cíntia Di Giorgi / Gabriela Salatini / Glauco Machado / João Mendonça / João Vitor Velame / José Muniz Falcão Neto / Oswaldo Giovannini Jr./ Rafaella Sualdini

Arandu film shows:

AVAEDOC's website:

Dear readers,
GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound. - Journal of Anthropology has just published its fifth volume!
available in

We invite you to browse the magazine's summary to access articles and other items of interest.


·Movies like things in colonial India
Marcus Banks

·Evgen Bavcar: self-portraits and spot-images
Rodrigo Frare Baroni

·The anthropologist-filmmaker and the native-a (u) tor: the transformations of Oumarou Ganda and Petit Touré in Eu, a negro, by Jean Rouch
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano

·Anthropology and Photography in Brazil: the beginning of a story (1840-1970)
Fabiene Gama

·What samba is this? Samba and batucada in Barcelona, Spain
Lisabete Coradini

·Therapy of insistence: the experimental music scene and the use of trance mediated by music as therapy against evils caused by the São Paulo ethos
Renato Albuquerque de Oliveira

·The “campeiro” concept in regional music in Rio Grande do Sul: a reconfiguration of the artistic / cultural order
Eduardo Hector Ferraro

·Amulets in corners inside and outside the Pitt Rivers Museum: the anthropology we make and the critique of contemporary hegemonies
Marta da Rosa Jardim

·Religious monuments as a new type of object: genealogy and actuality of a form of Catholic presence in public space
Emerson Alessandro Giumbelli

·Between sea, mountain and iris from around the world: an approximation of Ushuaia's Penitentiary Museum
Natalia Negretti


·Raw objects
Photographic essay: Geslline Giovana Braga

·About Presences
Filmic essay: Fabio Manzione

·Visual artifacts in political manifestations: an essay on mutations in the modes of subjectification and political action between 2013 and 2018
Photographic essay: Henrique Z. M. Parra

·The images I lack
Photographic essay: Bárbara Copque


· For an anthropology of the body
Translation: John Blacking

·The artist and the stone: design, process and value in contemporary art
Translation: Roger Sansi

·Sum and subtraction: territorialities and theatrical reception
Review: Ruan Felipe Azevedo, Diego Gonçales

·The fabrication of belief by images, sounds, objects and bodies
Review: Marcus Vinícius Barreto

·Navigate between silences
Review: Luísa Valentini

·Memory Stone: Euclides Talabyan, my university is time
Review: Andréa Silva D'Amato

·More than human experience with Another Fire
Review: Felipe Figueiredo

·Make it on the ruler: aesthetics and sociability in barber shops in Rio de Janeiro
Resenha: Debora Costa de Faria

·Among relatives, who?
Resenha: Amanda Signori


·Body, gap, trace
Carolina Junqueira dos Santos

Chief Editor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Editorial Coordinator: Paula Morgado
Responsible Editor vol 5: Andrea Barbosa
Executive Secretary: Lucas Ramiro
Trainee: Leonardo Pereira dos Santos
Editorial Committee: Andrea Barbosa, Edgar Teodoro da Cunha, Érica Giesbrecht, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, John Cowart Dawsey, Paula Morgado, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Vitor Grunvald