
Here you could check informations on publications promoted and supported by the Department of Anthropology:

Cadernos de Campo (“Field Notes Journal”) – Created and edited by graduate students in social anthropology at USP, this annual publication is dedicated to the dissemination of papers on topics, research results and theoretical-methodological models of interest to contemporary anthropological debate that may contribute to the development of graduate-level research at home and abroad.

Encyclopedia of Anthropology – The Encyclopedia of Anthropology is, from the beginning, an instrument of work. As a result of the partnership between students and faculty of the Department of Anthropology at USP, it was born in the classroom and has been fueled by exchanges and debates taking place within regular graduate courses. The project has expanded, extending beyond the initial spaces in which it was conceived, even as it has remained faithful to its original spirit – a spirit marked by the reciprocal exchange of experience and learning, which has been defining the profile and contents of the project from day to day.

GIS – Gesto, Imagem e Som ("Gesture, Image and Sound") – An academic journal that encompasses the fields of visual anthropology, music and sound, performance, theater and art.

Ponto.Urbe Journal – This journal proposes to disseminate and discuss papers, essays, partial results of research, and theoretical-methodological inquiries pertaining to Urban Anthropology and related areas.

Revista de Antropologia (“Anthropology Journal”) – Founded in 1953, the Revista de Antropologia is a semiannual publication of the Department of Anthropology of the College of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo. Its objective is to publish original national and international articles that present research results or theoretical and methodological essays, providing readers with an up-to-date picture of anthropological reflection in Brazil and abroad.