
Registration is open for PPGAS students/graduates to participate as a volunteer in the Prepara PPGAS extension course: Workshops for Entrance Selection in 2024/25.

The workshop is aimed at people applying for the program's selection process and the activities will include tutorials on research projects in a virtual format.

Registration: 3 to 7 July 2024.
Project presentation meeting: 10/7/2024 at 7pm.

This is also an initiative of CoPAF – Permanent Affirmative Action Commission of PPGAS-USP.  

If you have any questions, send an email to

This is the fifth edition of the award that highlights women scientists dedicated to national researchers who have made relevant contributions to science and scientific management, in addition to having carried out actions in favor of national science and technology.

Transmission of the Ceremony of Granting the Title of Professor Emeritus to Kabengele Munanga by the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) of USP.

Retired anthropologist and professor, Kabengele Munanga was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo at the beginning of the Second World War. With an extensive CV, he produced fundamental contributions in the field of Anthropology and African Studies throughout his life.

The Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies (LETEC), linked to the Department of Anthropology at USP, makes public the selection of 1 scholarship holder – Technical Training 3 (TT-3) for the project “Digital inequality and ethnography: Internet , its uses, agencies and possibilities in favelas in Rio de Janeiro”.

The scholarship available is for graduates in Social Sciences, Anthropology or Sociology, with a duration of 12 months and dedication of 20 hours a week.

1 - From the selection schedule:
- Registration: August 24 to September 10, 2023;
- Interviews: September 12 and 13, 2023 (interviews will take place remotely and will be informed by email);
- Result: September 15, 2023.

2 - Documentation for registration:

- Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages), graduation transcript and lattes curriculum:
- The documentation must be sent to the e-mail: (put “TT-3 Scholarship” in the subject) .

More information in the attached notice.

Katherine Dunham" [author], written by Vanessa Cândida Lourenço, https://

"Religious Ecstasy: An Anthropological Study of Spirit Possession and Shamanism" [work] by Ioan Myrddin Lewis, written by Lucas Ramos da Cunha,

"Hutukara Associação Yanomami" [institution], written by Corrado Dalmonego,

"Bruno Latour" [author], written by Marisol Marini and André S. Bailão,

"Kabengele Munanga" [author], written by Clayton Guerreiro, https://ea.fflch

"USP Museum of Archeology and Ethnology" [institution], written by Camilo de Mello Vasconcellos

"Curt Nimuendajú" [author], written by Peter Schröder https://ea.fflch.usp. br/autor/curt-nimuendaju

"Totemism today" [work] by Claude Lévi-Strauss, written by Camila Galan de Paula

On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) decreed the end of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency of International Concern, a little over three years after the same entity announced its beginning. . This epidemiological and political action does not represent the end of the pandemic, but rather that the time has come for countries to make the transition from the emergency mode to the management of diseases along with others of an infectious nature. Upon hearing the news, many people were certainly moved. This reaction is not necessarily related to any change in daily life itself, since we have been resuming our lives for months – thanks to vaccination, it is necessary to emphasize –, but because the Covid-19 pandemic and the way it was conducted, profoundly changed our lives , relationships and subjectivities. Thus, if the Public Health Emergency is over, the effects of the crisis continue in our memories, bodies, in everyday mourning and in collective life. 

The Pandemic Echoes podcast aims to reflect on such effects. We started production in 2021, still in a very dramatic period of the crisis. We approach the pandemic in a dual temporality. We brought together multiple voices – researchers, activists, social policy professionals, residents of the periphery and other presences that circulated in the press and social networks – to understand what we were experiencing. Concomitantly, the recent past echoed in an effort to work through our fears, losses, illnesses and the lasting effects of the process, tragic for more than 700,000 people. Thus imposing difficulties to foresee a future.  

We start from the Brazilian experience, but with the backdrop of the global South from a mirror game with the South African context. Were social inequalities in countries like Brazil and South Africa intensified with the pandemic? How did the Brazilian Public Health System face Covid-19? How did we come to live with widespread vaccine hesitancy? Why has food insecurity once again become a nightmare for the country? For whom care has become heavier during the pandemic? We seek to build a space for sharing and reflecting on the difficulties, experiences and lessons learned from one of the darkest periods in our history. We also seek to demonstrate how the human sciences, more specifically anthropology, can contribute to coping with the lasting effects of Covid-19. In this sense, the podcast fulfills the role not only of scientific dissemination, but also intends to intervene in the public debate on the subject. 

The podcast is available on the PPGAS YouTube channel and on Spotify

The podcast Echoes Pandemics is a product of the university extension project The Covid-19 pandemic from an intersectional perspective in peripheral territories: dialogues between Brazil and South Africa, funded by the Pro-Rectory of Culture University Extension (PRCEU/USP) in the scope of  Announcement: ODS-ONU (2021) coordinated by Laura Moutinho, professor at the Social Anthropology Program (PPGAS) at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP and vice-coordinated by Márcia Thereza Couto, professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine at Faculty of Medicine also at USP, FMUSP. The project  was supported by the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA/FFLCH/USP), Center for Social Markers of Difference (NUMAS/FFLCH/USP) and Center for Health, Intersectionality and Social Markers of Difference (SIMAS/FMUSP)



Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships in the context of the Project "Semantics of creation and memory " FAPESP Process 2020/07886-8 - 03 April - 02 June 2023 Applications are invited for three postdoctoral fellowships in the field of Social Anthropology/AnthropologicalTheory, associated to FAPESP Thematic Project 2020/07886-8 "Semantics of creation and memory", that include research conducted in the most diverse ethnographic fields in Brazil, but not exclusively, from 03 April to 02 June 2023. One fellowship supervised by Professor Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and one fellowship supervised by Professor Ana Claudia Duarte Rocha Marques will be based at the Department of Anthropology at USP; one fellowship supervised by Professor Jorge Luiz Mattar Villela will be based at the Department of Anthropology at UFSCAR.