
PhD student Liza Ysamarli Acevedo Sáenz received the USP 2022 Video Graduate Award for the major area of Human Sciences. The video "The homelands, the home and the body: visible and non-visible images of the lives of women who are family members of disappeared people in the armed conflict in Colombia" presents her doctoral research, developed under the supervision of Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji. The award takes place on November 22, 2022, during the 3rd USP Graduate Meeting. The video can be watched at

PPGAS student Felipe Paes Piva was AWARDED, received 1st place - Lévi-Strauss Prize at the 33rd RBA - Edition 2022: Article Modality, with the article "Psychological illness in graduation and the social markers of difference: an anthropological analysis of psychic suffering at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH-USP)”

The seventh volume of GIS - Gesto, Imagem e Som - Journal of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo is on the air.

We invite you to visit the GIS website and learn about the articles, essays, reviews, translations and interviews published in this volume, available at:: In addition, volume 7 pays tribute to Patrícia Monte-Mór, who left us in early 2022.
Good reading!

Four films made by researchers from the Department of Anthropology and PPGAS-USP, with support from the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP), were awarded at the Pierre Verger 2022, promoted by the Brazilian Association of Anthropology - ABA. Carlos Caps Drag Race, directed by Mihai Leaha during his postdoctoral work with the DA, took first place in the Medium Film category. In the same category, Afro-Sampas, directed by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Hikiji (professor at DA) came in 3rd. place. Canto de Família, co-directed by Paula Bessa and Mihai Leaha, the result of Paula's master's degree at PPGAS USP, came in second in the feature film category. And the short Cybershota, also by Mihai Leaha, came in second in the short film category. The films competing for the award can be watched on the event's website until September 3:

We invite you to submit your work for volume 8 (year 2023) of Revista Gesto, Imagem e Som - Revista de Antropologia (GIS). To do so, make your submission until 08/30/2022.

Check the submission rules at:

After this date, you will also be able to submit your work which, if approved, will be published in volume 9, year 2024.


Deadline for submission of works: August 30, 2022 via the website:

This dossier is one of the offshoots of the Seismology of Performance: Napedra 20 Years event, held between November 22 and December 10, 2021. Created in 2001, Napedra – USP's Anthropology, Performance and Drama Center – arises from the meeting of anthropologists in search of knowledge produced in art workshops, with artists in search of knowledge associated with the craft of anthropologists.  It resonates with the sounds and noises of a “performative turn” in anthropology, which began in the 1970s, and is updated in surprising ways here and now.  Between the arts and sciences, the concept of performance takes on varied, changing and hybrid forms.  There is something unresolved in this concept that resists definitive formulations and disciplinary boundaries.  In 1977, one of the gravitational centers of an emerging field emerged in the universe of anthropology.  Victor Turner, an anthropologist in search of knowledge of the performing arts, meets Richard Schechner, a theater director who, in his relationship with Turner, deepens his knowledge of anthropology.  It is, in Napedra's experience, a luminous point that serves as a reference for one of the constellations of performance studies, in an expanding and decentered universe.  Horizons widen, subverting notions of field and space, and imploding conceptions of time.  Attention turns to the body.  From the senses of the body, the senses of worlds are created and f(r)icated.  In performance, worlds are formed and transformed.  In noise, residues and structurally remote elements, seismic movements, irruption and formation of emerging worlds are detected.  In the whirlpools of your creation are worlds that have not yet come to be.  Above all, what drives Napedra participants, in partnerships with researchers from other research groups in Brazil and overseas, are the prospects of exploring some of the whirlpools of worlds in performance.

For instructions and guidelines on submissions, consult the GIS website - Gesto, Imagem e Som - Revista de Antropologia.

Afro-Sampas, a film produced at LISA and co-directed by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, was selected for the film show of the Portuguese Association of Anthropology. The film can be seen at

More information about the project at

Film show website:

Throughout the history of anthropology, the city's heterogeneity and diversity have been perceived as the driving force in the production of urban spaces and borders. The city starts to be conceived as a specific environment capable of conglomerating differences through its economic and institutional base or through identification processes. However, there is little systematization of the relational processes that lead to the production of inequalities and the crystallization of differences, and notions such as identity, culture and race have been seen as elements prior to the constitution of urban relations that establish them. Thus, although urban studies, on their most different fronts, are permeated by the meta-narratives of urbanization, modernization, development and their constant crises, the counterparts that define such narratives are rarely made explicit. In this dossier, we are interested in scrutinizing how different processes of racialization were consistent with the production of urban diversity and inequality in different cities around the globe. In this sense, we are interested in research aimed at investigating social processes, intellectual itineraries, agents, social movements and different bureaucratic, technical and scientific institutions that defined and shaped racializing categories that (re)produce the various urban social groups, as well as the practices and mobilized logics. We invite articles that seek to think about race and city not from a priori conceptual categories, preexisting relationships, but that seek to ethnography both processes of racialization of urban groups and assemblages produced around the idea of ​​race. Finally, we invite critical texts of established narratives about cities and urbanization in the social sciences from different metropolitan realities in different regions of the world.

More information on publication standards can be found at:

We are available,

Editorial Commission of Ponto Urbe - Journal of the Center for Urban Anthropology at USP.

Applications for the GT "The challenge of the urban: intersections, resistances, utopias" (coordinated by Graça Cordeiro and Joan Pujadas, with Heitor Frúgoli Jr. as debater) at the next APA congress (Évora, 6-9/9/2022, were expanded until 3/28/22 (

Luís Michel Françoso (PPGAS-USP) participated in an article by SPTV (Globo) about improper construction in an urban area listed by Conpresp.