Friday of the Month of December – Black Intellectualities

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Friday of the Month: Black Intellectualities

Room 24 of the USP Social Sciences Building
Broadcast via Youtube.

Fernanda Martins (PhD student in Social Sciences/UNICAMP, Researcher at PAGU/UNICAMP and NUMAS/USP
Layne Gabriele (IEAL/UNICAMP Undergraduate, Popular Educator, Researcher and Communicator
Victor Mateus Duarte (Master in Philosophy UFABC and Specialist in Contemporary Philosophy IBF

Alessandra Tavares (PPGAS/USP PhD student)

Highlighting black intellectualities allows us to rethink the fractures of our society, taking into account its entire socio-historical context, as well as promoting a turnaround in the official historical records of humanity and its institutions. This perspective engenders a construction of counter-hegemonic knowledge production, based on the fight against racism and socio-racial inequalities in different segments and areas of knowledge. Black intellectualities, as we propose here, rightly emphasize the plurality of voices, bodies and thoughts of people whose centrality lies in their experience as plural subjects. Trajectories that are made collectively, in the sagacity of movements that go beyond the academic universe. Even though most institutions perpetuate racist practices, black intellectuals and their references and inspirations modulate significant transformations in subjectivities and place the art and politics of resistance at the heart of the “Modern Constitution”. In this way, the Friday of the Month of December proposes a table to reflect on the intellectual production of black people based on their own trajectories and research processes and/or professional activities, bringing to the table issues of gender, experiences of peripheral black people, the agency of religiosities and the foundation of a black psychopathology, in an intersectional and interdisciplinary conversation. With the strength of the older ones, we emphasize the speech of the great intellectual Lélia Gonzales who states the provocation “The trash will talk, and in a good way!”