Gender & Inequalities + Health - Fat Body Debates and COVID-19: stigma, activism and resistance

Pagu's Facebook page, numas youtube channel and CLAM Youtube channel

The first 2021 edition of Gender & Inequalities + Health - Debates brings to discussion the relationship between fat bodies and covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, we propose to discuss the issue from three axes: stigmas and stereotypes, activism and resistance. In this debate, the participants are:

MALU JIMENEZ - is fat, feminist philosopher, artifer. He makes art by proposing a new look at fat bodies. PhD professor in Contemporary Culture Studies at UFMT, PHD in fatphobia, author of the book "fight like a fat: fat phobia, resistance and activism".

MARCELLE SILVA - Post-doctoral student in Psychology (UFC); Substitute Professor, Department of Social Sciences of ufc; Deputy Coordinator of the Research Center on Sexuality, Gender and Subjectivity (NUSS /UFC); Coordinator of Pesquisa Gorda - Transdisciplinary Studies Group of Gordes Corporalities in Brazil.
MIRANI BARROS - Nutritionist, researcher of fat body, master in collective health, professor of and collective health at UFRJ/Macaé.

CAROLINA PARREIRAS - is an anthropologist, postdoctoral researcher of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) of Unicamp, member of NUMAS/USP (Center for studies on social markers of difference). He was visiting scholar at the Institute of Latin American Studies (Columbia University).
The Debates will take place LIVE next Wednesday, March 24, from 18hs, by the Page page on Facebook, the channel numas on Youtube and clam channel on Youtube. Questions from the online audience will be forwarded to the guests. Then, everything is also available on the social networks of Pagu, Numas and CLAM, so that it is possible to share the reflection produced collectively.

* The GENDER & INEQUALITIES project is a project in partnership with the Pagu Gender Studies Center (Cocen/Unicamp) and the Center for Studies on Socal Markers of Difference (PPGAS/USP), under the organization of researchers Regina Facchini (Pagu/Unicamp) and Carolina Parreiras (Numas/USP). It aims to disseminate classic and contemporary works and reflections focused on gender and its articulations with other differences and inequalities. This activity was produced in partnership with the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/IMS/UERJ), from the articulation with researchers Alessandra Brigo and Viviane Mattar.