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Event organized by Bárbara Cortês (Master student at Unifesp, graduated in Social Sciences at USP and collaborator at GEAC) together with Lígia Ferro (professor at the University of Porto) for the SIEF 2021 congress, based in Helsinki.
This edition of the event will take place remotely (online), between June 21 and 24, 2021, and is open to the submission of proposals until November 26, 2020. Below, there is a brief summary of the panel. For more details, access the direct link at the end of the summary.
All information regarding this edition of the congress is available at
From the occurrence of the pandemic COVID-19, with the interruption of face-to-face classes and the implementation of remote teaching strategies, especially mediated by digital technologies, the dissemination of the debate around the qualitative and equitable realization of the right to education in the face of inequalities has grown access and use of networks, devices and media languages. Challenges that became more evident with the intensification of activities mediated by these resources, but that were already revealed a few decades ago by specialists dedicated to the study of educational policies, especially public ones. On the other hand, changes in teaching and learning practices have also led to reflections on the future of education, on the role of school and university institutions, as well as on a possible opening of the educational process for the hybridization of spaces, times and means of knowledge acquisition.
Afro-Sampas, a film by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft, will be shown in the United Kingdom at the Africa in Motion festival.
On Facebook Exhibition of African Cinemas and Africa in Motion
On Instagram: @mostradecinemasafricanos and @aimfilmfestival
November 17th:
"Afrodiasporic Dialogues" (Afrodiasporic Dialogues) with the films:
Afro-Sampas (2020)
Aurora (2018)
John (2018)
Freedom (2018)
Christian Name - Frances (2019)
The Amazon is currently under intense pressure. Environmental degradation is accelerating and there are already signs that we are reaching an inflection point. Indigenous Lands remain the least deprived areas in the region, but they are also threatened. What does the past tell us about the human occupation of the Amazon? How did many more indigenous populations inhabit the forest without destroying it? And what does this tell us about the challenges of the present? These are some of the questions that animate this seminar.
Check the event at the link:
The Research Meeting "Agriculture, knowledge and alternatives: limits and possibilities of intertwined worlds", carried out by IFCH / unicamp, will take place on October 14, 15 and 16, 2020. The event will feature three Webinars at IFCH / Unicamp YouTube channel and six different Thematic Seminars (STs) with paper presentations. To assist STs as listeners, interested parties must register via google forms. Presenters of papers will not need to register with the ST, but to attend other STs it will be necessary to register. There will be no certificates for listeners, only entrance control for security reasons.
Application form link:
The Roundtable on Archives of Culture and Indigenous Languages will discuss discussions on the formation of "indigenous archives", their construction histories and how they were organized. In addition, it will seek to elaborate a theoretical and conceptual reflection on what an "indigenous archive" is and what its potentialities would be. The discussion will also prove useful as a tool for collectives that are organizing or thinking about organizing their files.
With the participation of:
Laísa Tossin - BBM resident researcher,
Marcos Maciel Lima Cunha - Macuxi Ethnicity - TI Raposa Serra do Sol - Master in Social Anthropology UFRR - Indigenous Documentation Center of the Consolata Missionaries Institute
Luísa Valentini - PhD in Social Anthropology - USP
Lorena Rodriguez - Professor in Anthropological Sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires - Researcher Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica - CONICET
Anari Bomfim - Pataxó Ethnicity - Doctoral Student in Social Anthropology - National Museum - Atxohã - Pataxó Researchers Group
Awoy Pataxó - Ethnicity Pataxó - Graduated in Intercultural Degree - Professor of Patxohã - Coordinator of Atxohã - Pataxó Researchers Group
In times of political, sanitary and climatic crises, which violently impact indigenous peoples, the I Mostra CineFlecha: (Re) Existir e Curar presents - between October 1st and 15th - a set of films that reflects the power and diversity of contemporary indigenous cinema.
Divided into four thematic sessions, the films show the different ways in which indigenous peoples tirelessly continue to mobilize ways of (re) existing - resisting and existing again, and curing - through ancient and contemporary knowledge and practices, in the face of the hegemonic forces related unsustainable ways of life.
This panel, motivated by the proposal of ADPF 709 by the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) in the Supreme Federal Court, is dedicated to a shared analysis of the concept of genocide, as it has been articulated in the struggles of indigenous peoples, in the humanities and social, in legal practice. At the center of the debate are an examination of the elements that make it possible to characterize the Brazilian government's stance towards indigenous peoples in the context of the covid-19 pandemic as genocidal and an assessment of possible joint coping strategies, linking research, information and the defense of human rights. . To this end, the Panel brings together researchers and indigenous activists and partners, stimulating interdisciplinary debate and intercultural dialogue, understanding the cooperation of knowledge as fundamental to the achievement of effective actions to combat the pandemic among indigenous peoples, in the absence of the state. The event is a joint realization of Andhep, through the Forum on Violations of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (FVDPI), and the Center for Amerindian Studies at USP, within the scope of the campaign "Indigenous Peoples facing covid-19".
Editora Primata launches the collective publication "Stay in the village, relative - indigenous peoples and the covid-19 pandemic”, in partnership with the Indigenous and Indigenous Front to Combat Covid-19 between Indigenous Peoples and Lands in the Southern Region and support from Center for Amerindian Studies at the University of São Paulo (CEstA / USP) The launch will take place on November 6, at 5 pm, in a live to be broadcast through Editora's YouTube channel.
"The materials offered here, produced voluntarily, intend to go beyond the place of editorial record of a tragedy in progress, expanding the positive balance beyond its pages: the sale of books will allocate funds to the indigenous and indigenist Front for the Prevention and Combat of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Indigenous Lands in the Southern Region of Brazil, as a way of supporting autonomous initiatives to face the impacts of the pandemic, associated with the dissemination of knowledge and solidary action, with the engagement of society. " - Excerpt from the presentation signed by the organizer and the editors.
Realization: The realization is a voluntary cooperation of indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, artists and activists, initiated and supported by Editora Primata.