Professor at the Department of Anthropology and the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology (PPGAS) both at USP and PhD in Cultural Anthropology at UFRJ. She completed a Post-Doctorate at Princeton University and has been a CNPq productivity fellow since 2008. She coordinates an International Cooperation Agreement between USP and Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She was a visiting researcher at the African Gender Institut, at the University of Cape Town (UCT ) in South Africa and Visiting Professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, United States. She was an elected member of the Scientific Council of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA-2011 \ 2013). He coordinates the Pro-Africa Project: The Neighborhood between the lines: alliances and conflicts, (un) equal exchanges and cooperation between Mozambique and South Africa. Deputy head of the Department of Anthropology during two terms, (2010/2013). CoC Coordinator of Social Sciences (USP - 2014/2016). He published the book Razão, Cor e Desejo: an analysis of interracial affective-sexual relationships in Brazil and South Africa, Editora Unesp: São Paulo, 2004, thanks to the EDUSC \ ANPOCS Award for best doctoral thesis \ 2003 edition. and publishes on the following topics: intersectionality; Africans nationalism; race relations, miscegenation and national identity Brazil and South Africa; ultra-right and militarism in South Africa; race, gender and (homo) sexuality from the perspective of morals and emotions; Law, Anthropology and Politics; Human Rights and Anthropology of Africa.