Operates in the Research Line in Anthropology of Expressive Forms, at the interfaces between anthropology and theater, he is interested in reconfigurations in the field of anthropology raised by the work of Walter Benjamin. Develops research in performance anthropology, experience anthropology, and Benjaminian anthropology.
Theses and Dissertations:
1989. Ph. D. in anthropology from the Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University Orientation: Walter Adamson Title of work: Vila Vitória: The Emergence of Proletarian Culture
1999. Free Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo Title of the work: What do the Bóias-Frias laugh about? Walter Benjamin and the Brecht Epic Theater in Truck Bodies (access to pdf)
- 2007. Full Professor, Department of Anthropology, FFLCH / USP. Chair in Social Anthropology: Memorial
Online articles:
- Sismologie de la performance : plateaux, temps, f(r)ictions. Translation by Laure Garrabé. Cultures-Kairós [Online], published in The issues, updated on: 19/12/2016. Cultures-Kairós: Anthropology review of body practices and performing arts, no. 7. Houses of Human Sciences. Paris Nord, no. December 7, 2016. ISSN 2261-0758.
- Sismologia da performance: palcos, tempos, f(r)icções. Cultures-Kairós [Online], published in The issues, updated on: 19/12/2016. Cultures-Kairós: Anthropology Review of Body Practice and Living Arts, no. 7. Houses of Human Sciences. Paris Nord, no. December 7, 2016.ISSN 2261-0758.
- Boias-frias en scène : bœufs, spectres et nef des fous. Translation by Romain Bragard and Maira Landulpho Lopes. Cultures-Kairós [Online], published in Théma, updated on: 19/12/2016. Cultures-Kairós: Anthropology Review of Body Practice and Living Arts, no. 7. Houses of Human Sciences. Paris Nord, no. December 7, 2016. ISSN 2261-0758.
- Boias-frias em cena: bois, sombras e barcas dos loucos.Cultures-Kairós [Online], published in Théma, updated on: 16/12/2016. Cultures-Kairós: Anthropology Review of Body Practice and Living Arts, no. 7. Houses of Human Sciences. Paris Nord, no. December 7, 2016. ISSN 2261-0758.
- Rites of passage: Dionysus and the chorus of satyrs. GIS – Gesture, Image, Sound – Anthropology Journal. Vol. 1, n. 1, 2016. ISSN 2168-1392.
- Nocturnal history of Our Lady of the Slash-Knife, Brazil. Forum on Public Policy Online. Vol. 2015, no. 2. ISSN 1938-9809. (accessed 06 21. 2016)
- Expanded scene: cold buoys and theater of cruelty. Arte da Cena, ISSN 2358-6060, Year 1, n. 2, v. 1, UFG, July-December 2014.
- Tense description (Tension-thick description): Geertz, Benjamin and performance. Journal of Anthropology. Dossier: Anthropology and performance. ISSN 0034-7701. Vol. 56, n. 2, July-December 2013, pp. 291-322.
- Tonantzin: Victor Turner, Walter Benjamin and anthropology of experience. Sociologia & Antropologia, v. 3, n. 6, ISSN 2236-7527, p. 20-35, July-November 2013.
- Bonecos da Rua do Porto: performance, mimesis e memória involuntária.Ilha: Revista de Antropologia, vol. 13, n. 1, p. 185-219, 2012.
- Joana Dark's house: drama and montage. Mana, v. 18, no. 1, p. 91-120, 2012.
- Schechner, theater and anthropology. Cadernos de Campo, n. 20, p. 207-2012, 2011.
- Napedra and the felt place of things. IN: Proa - Journal of Anthropology and Art [online]. Year 02, vol.01, n. 02, nov. 2010. accessed on: 01/12/2010.
- Body, mask and fiction (f): the fable of the three races in Buraco dos Capetas. Ilha: Revista de Antropologia, vol. 11, n. 1, p. 41-62, 2009.
- For a Benjaminian anthropology: rethinking dramatic theater paradigms. Mana, v. 15, n. 2, p. 349-376, 2009.
- Night history of Nossa Senhora do Risca-Faca. Revista Estudos Feministas, v. 17, n. 1, p. 135-158, 2009.
- Napedra - Nucleus of Anthropology, Performance and Drama. Field Notebooks, v. 17, p. 333-336, 2008.
- F (r) fiction of Brazil: rethinking the fable of the three races in Jardim das Flores. Anthropology and Image Notebooks, v. 24, n. 1, p. 149-163, 2007.
- Seismology of performance: ritual, drama and play. Journal of Anthropology, v. 50, n. 2, p. 527-570, 2007.
- Skull winks: eschatology of Jardim das Flores. Social Time, Vol. 19, no. 2, p. 179-202, 2007.
- Theater of “boias-frias”: rethinking Anthropology of Performance. Anthropological Horizons, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2007.
- Joana Dark and the werewolf woman: the rite of passage of Our Lady. Religion & Society, v. 26, no. 2, p. 103-119, 2006.
- Joana Dark and the werewolf woman: Our Lady’s rite of passage. Religion and Society, v. 2, p. 30-40, 2006.
- Turner, Benjamin and performance anthropology: the looked (and heard) place of things. Revista Campos, vol. 7, p. 17-25, 2006.
- The theater in Aparecida: the saint and the werewolf. Mana, v. 12, p. 135 - 150, 2006.
- The grotto of the new mining angels: images of the countryside in the city. Revista USP, vol. 69, p. 135 - 148, 2006.
- Cold buoys and their dream machines: Baudelaire and the baroque in cane fields. Intersections, v. 8, p. 61-76, 2006.
- The boias-frias theater: rethinking the anthropology of performance. Anthropological Horizons, v. 24, p. 15 - 34, 2005.
- Victor Turner and anthropology of experience. Field Notebooks, v. 13, p. 163 - 176, 2005.
New angels: profane illuminations and truck theater. Ilha: Revista de Antropologia, vol. 7, p. 237-256, 2005. - Clifford Geertz and the cerebral savage: from the mandala to the hermeneutic circle. Field Notebooks, v. 12, p. 113 - 118, 2004.
- Awakening Sleeping Beauty: Benjamin's readings of the city. Intersections, year 6, p. 183 - 199, 2004.
- Nossa Senhora Aparecida and the werewolf woman: Benjamin, Brecht and dramatic theater in anthropology. Island. Journal of Anthropology (Florianópolis), v. 2, p. 85 - 103, 2000.
- Falling in the cane with Marilyn Monroe: time, space and cold buoys. Journal of Anthropology, v. 40, p.183 - 226, 1997.
- The American mirror: Americans for Brazilian to see and Brazilians for Americans to see. Journal of Anthropology, v. 37, p. 203 - 256, 1994.
Online dossiers:
- Feature Seismology of performance: plateaus, time, f (r) ictions. (Org. Dawsey, John C.) Cultures-Kairós [Online], published in The issues, updated on: 12/19/2016. Cultures-Kairós: Anthropology review of body practices and performing arts, no. 7. Houses of Human Sciences. Paris Nord, no. December 7, 2016. ISSN 2261-0758.
- File: Antropologia e performance. org. Dawsey, John C .; Muller, Regina P., e Hikiji, Rose S. Revista de Antropologia, vol. 56, no. 2. julho-dezembro 2013. 624pp. ISSN 0034-7701.