The Sixth of the Month invites everyone to the November themed table!
Theme: The enchantment of the mina drum in São Paulo
The mina drum is an Afro-Brazilian religion prevalent in the states of Pará and Maranhão, arriving in São Paulo around the 1970s by the Pará native Francelino de Xapanã, who brought with him several cultural elements that were very present in the realities of Pará and Maranhão, which were adapted to the capital of São Paulo through this migratory movement. With voduns and orixás as the entities worshipped, the mina drum also brings a category known as “enchanted”, those who do not go through the process of death, become “enchanted” and inhabit the “enchantments”. To discuss this universe of Minas Gerais, we will bring three priests, sons of Pai Francelino, to discuss these elements.
• Toy Voduno Márcio de Boço Jara (Priest of the “House of Mines of Thoya Jarina”)
• Onontochê Sandra de Xadantã (Priestess of the Kwê Mina Odan Axé Boço Dá-Hô)
• Dàda Voduno Leonardo de Doçu (Priest of the Bou Hou Mina Jeje Nagô)
Yasmin Estrela (PhD student at PPGAS/USP)
Online broadcast on the uspfflch channel on YouTube:
The panel is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues.