Contemporary trends of digital platforms in sex markets in Brazil

Sala 14 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

On 11/14, at 2 pm, in room 14 and online, the Thematic Seminar “Contemporary trends of digital platforms in the sex markets in Brazil” will take place, with Lorena Caminhas.

Lorena Caminhas has a PhD in Social Sciences (Unicamp) and is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Anthropology at USP, with support from Fapesp. Her research addresses the formation of digital sex markets in Brazil, the impacts of digital platforms on the quality of sex work, and their governance and regulation processes in this area.

This event is promoted by the Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies (LETEC) and the Center for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (Numas).

To participate online, simply access the FFLCH USP channel on YouTube: