Pedro Lopes

Linhas de Pesquisa
Poder e Diferença
Areas of interest

Researcher at the Center for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (NUMAS/USP), the Study Group on Disability, Society and Culture (GEDESC/UFRGS/Unipampa) and the Kaleidoscope of Affirmative Action Project (UFABC/CNPq). Member and current vice-coordinator of the Disability and Accessibility Committee of the Brazilian Anthropology Association (CODEA/ABA). Member of the editorial board of the international trilingual journal (Pt, Es, Fr) Cadernos Franco-Latino-Americanos de Estudos da Deficiência. His work mainly focuses on social markers of difference, disability studies and crip theory, with research related to disability, gender, sexuality and race, as well as accessibility, higher education and affirmative action, between Brazil and South Africa.