The XI National Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Cemetery Studies (ABEC) seeks to bring together researchers on topics related especially to cemeteries, as well as studies on death, mourning and funerary cultural heritage, among others. The purpose of the meeting is to promote the dissemination of research and strengthen cemetery studies through multidisciplinary approaches from areas such as history, anthropology, architecture, philosophy, arts, sociology, psychology, to name just a few of them. In its eleventh edition, the ABEC National Meeting will have as its theme “The trajectory of Funerary Cultural Heritage in Brazil and the 20 years of activity of ABEC”, and will seek to promote debates on old and new cemetery formats, rites and funeral practices, including also, prospects for the funeral sector.
XI National Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Cemetery Studies
Registration Period
MariAntonia University Center Rua Maria Antônia, 258 - Vila Buarque – São Paulo (SP)