Friday of the Month: Contemporary Indigenous Art

Sala 24 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Friday of the Month: Contemporary Indigenous Art

04/26, 5pm

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building at USP

Streaming via Youtube:


Adolfo Tapaiüna (Member of the Miriã Mahsã Collective, Visual Artist, Digital Illustrator, Graduating in Design at UEA)

Paula Guajajara (Graduate in Literature at FFLCH/USP, part of the team at the Museum of Indigenous Cultures)Sarah Feldman (Architect and professor at IAU-USP)

Sandra Benites (master and doctoral student in Social Anthropology at PPGAS/MN/UFRJ, curator and educator)


Paula Berbert (PPGAS/USP PhD student)

Currently, the production of indigenous artists, who mix cosmological references, visualities and indigenous narratives with Western technologies and artistic languages, have promoted fissures in the Brazilian contemporary art scene. Artists such as Jaider Esbell, Denilson Baniwa, Gustavo Caboco and Yacunã Tuxá, just to name a few, occupy institutionalized spaces, are part of the contemporary art market and make us rethink the dynamics of art in Brazil and the world.

With the intention of debating this topic, which we believe is fundamental for the academy and for the community in general, the Friday of the Month of April promotes the table "Contemporary Indigenous Art", which will address issues related to curatorial activities, production of objects, use of digital technologies and other elements mobilized by contemporary indigenous art
