Housing, cultural heritage and public spaces: the configuration of places in urban anthropology


Start: 05/14/2024, 7pm
Period: 05/14/2024 to 06/04/2024
Distance learning course. After registration, instructions will be emailed to students.
Coordinators: Francisco Pereira Neto and Heitor Frúgoli Jr.
Guests: Tuize Rovere, Simone Toji, Luca Fuser, Weslei Rodrigues and Julio Talhari
Registration period: 05/06 to 05/09/2024
More information at: https://sce.fflch.usp.br/node/5505
The extension course (promoted by members of the City Anthropology Study Group) addresses the production of urban life from different aspects, especially those involving the experience of city dwellers in the constitution of their spaces of presence in the urban fabric, its political connotations and the link between these processes and urban public policies. It aims to contribute to the training of students interested in urban reality, managers involved with urban policies and the community in general.