Empirical anarchies: approaches to popular autonomies in Latin America in the light of a libertarian anthropology

CEstA Headquarters - Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - Colmeia favo 8

Lecture with Cássio Brancaleone
Professor at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul - UFFS
Researcher at the Latin American Councils of Social Sciences - CLACSO
Post-doctorate in Political Science at USP

11/10/2023 at 2:30 pm
CEstA Headquarters - Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - Colmeia favo 8

Empirical anarchies: approaches to popular autonomies in Latin America in the light of a libertarian anthropology

Although reflection on non-state and non-capitalist forms of social life seems to be condemned to the ghetto of anarchist political imagination, we can find in the universe of anthropology a true ethnographic treasure and a world of analytical possibilities that go beyond anarchy as becoming. Starting from a review of a selection of anthropological literature dedicated to the description and analysis of phenomena of social self-organization that challenge the institutional logics and social representations typical of capitalist and state societies that can establish some points of contact between this field of studies and the theoretical repertoire of anarchism, we try to connect to a theoretical approach that is more sensitive to the approach of social experiences that are claimed under the social designation of “autonomies”, especially in the indigenous and popular Latin American field.