Las religiones indígenas de Mesoamérica - Book launch and debate with author Johannes Neurath (Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico)

Room 14 of the Social Sciences Building - FFLCH/USP - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315 - Cidade Universitária - SP

Indigenous religions of Mesoamerica
Book launch and debate with the author Johannes Neurath (Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico)
Eduardo Natalino dos Santos (University of São Paulo)
Renato Sztutman (University of São Paulo)
The Center for Amerindian Studies (CestA) and the Center for Mesoamerican and Andean Studies (CEMA) at the University of São Paulo (USP) invite you to launch the book Las religiones indigenous de Mesoamérica, by Johannes Neurath (National Institute of Anthropology and History, National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico). One of the most significant contributions of this book is to question the descriptive and explanatory limits of concepts that come from theology and the history of religions (polytheism, cosmology, mythology, sacrifice, etc.) to address the thought and ritual practices of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. In place of this procedure, the work seeks to understand Mesoamerican indigenous religions in their own relational logic. On the occasion, the author will talk and debate with Eduardo Natalino dos Santos (USP) and Renato Sztutman (USP).


Center for Amerindian Studies (CestA)
Center for Mesoamerican and Andean Studies (CEMA)