Lecture Series LETEC

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

The first event promoted by LETEC - Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies, of the Department of Anthropology and financed by FAPESP, will take place on June 29th, at 4 pm, in Room 24 (Social Sciences Building). This event inaugurates the Technology and Internet Debate Cycle, which will take place throughout 2023. In this first edition, we will have the round table "Weaving the Present: Interconnections between Artificial Intelligence, Anthropology and Society". Participants: Valdinei Freire (EACH/C4AI-CID-USP) Renata Wassermann (C4AI-CID/IME/USP) Mayane Batista (UFAM/FFLCH-C4AI-USP/Researcher) Thiago Marcílio (C4AI-USP/Researcher) Laísa Lima (NEPAM) -UFAM) Nicole Grell (C4AI-PROINDL-USP) Cássia Sampaio Sanctos (IBM-Research) Pâmela Ferreira (ICMC-USP) There will also be disclosure on Youtube.