Introduction to studies on violence (on-line)



This course aims to introduce participants to the main debates around the theme of violence. Its proposal is to present different perspectives from which the concept of violence has been worked on by Anthropology, specifically, and by the Social Sciences, in general. The course begins with some classic studies on the subject, until it reaches more contemporary research that seeks to understand the polysemic character of violence, in addition to thinking about notions such as criminality, justice, human rights, gender, sexuality, corporalities, mourning, death, terror, State, victim, police.




4.00 pm


Maximum: 100.

Minimum: 50.

Certificate/Approval Criteria

Minimum of 75% attendance required. The certificates will be sent by e-mail when the lecturers make the approved list available in the system.


Professor. Heloisa Buarque de Almeida


Prof. Dr. Carolina Parreiras

He Graduated (2005), Master's (2008) and Doctorate in Social Sciences (2015) from Unicamp. As part of her doctorate, she was one of the participants in the Summer Doctoral Program, promoted annually by the Oxford Internet Institute of the University of Oxford (England). She has teaching and research experience in the areas of Anthropology, Gender, Sexuality and Family, with several articles and papers published in national and international journals and books. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Anthropology at the University of São Paulo - USP (2016 - 2020) and associate professor at the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at Unicamp (2017 - 2020). She was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) at Columbia University in the City of New York (2019-2020). She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at Unicamp (2021-2022). She is a researcher at the Academic Nucleus of UERJ - Rio sem LGBTIfobia Program. Currently she is also coordinator of the Young Researcher project at Fapesp in the Department of Anthropology at USP and also at LETEC - Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies.

Promotion - Department of Anthropology at FFLCH.

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