Anthropology and Pirodiversity: bases for a research program

Sala 24, prédio de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais - USP

FAGUNDES, Guilherme moura. 2019. “Pirotécnicas, piropolíticas e suas dinâmicas vitais” (pp. 54-71) e “Antes era manejo do gado, agora é manejo do fogo” (pp. 379-405). In: Fogos gerais: transformações tecnopolíticas na conservação do Cerrado (Jalapão-TO). Doctoral thesis. Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of Brasilia

_____. 2017. Another Fire. Ethnographic film. 21 min.


Additional references

EMPERAIRE, Laure . 2005. “Agricultural biodiversity in the Brazilian Amazon: resource and heritage”. In: Intangible Heritage and Biodiversity. Special issue of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute Magazine, n 32: 31-43.

FERDINAND, Malcom . 2022. A decolonial ecology: thinking from the Caribbean world. São Paulo: Editora UBU.

FERRET, Carole . 2014. “Towards an anthropology of action: From pastoral techniques to modes of action.” Journal of Material Culture, Vol. 19(3), p. 279–302 

HAUDRICOURT, André - Georges. 2013 [1962]. “Domestication of animals, cultivation of plants and treatment of the other” Series Translation n. 7, PPGAS/DAN.

HUI, Yuk . 2017. Cosmotechnics as cosmopolitics. In: Technodiversity. São Paulo: UBU.

PYNE, Stephen J. 2021. The Pyrocene: How We Created an Age of Fire, and What Happens Next. California: University of California Press