Festival Musiques D’Afrique

Centro Cultural Afrika (Major Diogo Street, 518)

The documentary Afro-Sampas, directed by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji (professor at the Department of Anthropology at FFLCH-USP), produced by the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP) will be released this Monday, 23 /05, at 7 pm, at the Afrika Cultural Center (Rua Major Diogo, 518), in São Paulo, during the Musiques D'Afrique Festival. The event is free. The festival is a celebration of the World Africa Day "May 25th", the day of the signing of the OAU (Organization of the African Union) agreements, and aims to celebrate African cultures that manifest themselves with multiple expressions such as: music, performance, dance and poetry, in addition to the screening of two documentaries. The documentary Afro-Sampas proposes a look at what can happen when African and Brazilian musicians are brought into contact in the city where they live. Yannick Delass (Democratic Republic of Congo), Edoh Fiho (Togo), Lenna Bahule (Mozambique) and Brazilians Ari Colares, Chico Saraiva and Meno del Picchia are the guests for a first meeting in which they experience sounds, memories and creativity. Several other shows take place at the Festival, with the presence of musicians and artists from countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo, Cape Verde, Angola, among others. (see attached flyers) More information about the film and the research project at: https://afrosampas.webhostusp.sti.usp.br/afro-sampas/