Climate emergency and the Amazon


Climate Emergency and Amazon Cycle, promoted by NEAI-UFAM in partnership with ANPOCS. Series on four tables ("episodes"), which will take place every Monday during this month of March. A topic generally known from the perspective of the natural sciences, this series will deal with the subject from the perspective of the social sciences, involving different academic specialists (especially from PPG's from the North of Brazil) and indigenous peoples of the region. Mondays at ANPOCS | Climate, Environment and Social Sciences - 03/07, 17:00 . Mondays at ANPOCS | The amazonic city: between water, land and air - 03/14, 17:00 . Mondays at ANPOCS | Between management and conflagration: fire and deforestation in the Amazon and elsewhere - 03/21 . Mondays at ANPOCS | Water dam, weather break - 03/28, 17:00 .