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Instigated by the intelligible and sensitive religious knowledge of traditional religions and the various forms of spiritual belonging that escape the formal religious structure, but connect the human being with what he calls sacred, we seek in this dossier to build a map of the representations that pass through their images, their performances that reveal rituals and sacred belongings.The expressive forms gain different nuances in religious spaces, in view of certain restrictions, which means that the researcher has to resort to different aesthetic and research strategies to compose his universe imagetic and performative. & nbsp; The symbolic universe of religious rituals, the digressions between religion and politics, the expressions of decoloniality, the body given to devotion and other analyzes involving discussions about sensitive expressions through images, performances, poetry etc., will be well welcome.
Deadline for submissions:30/04/2021
Submissions and guidelines for authors:
Chief Editor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Editorial Coordinator: Paula Morgado
Responsible Editor vol 6: Francirosy Campos Barbosa (USP), Pedro Simonard (UNIT), Rubens Alves da Silva (UFMG)
Executive Secretary: Lucas Ramiro
Trainee: Leonardo Pereira dos Santos
Editorial Committee: Andrea Barbosa, Edgar Teodoro da Cunha, Érica Giesbrecht, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, John Cowart Dawsey, Paula Morgado, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Vitor Grunvald