Short course - Audiovisual Script - Creative processes


Free course, part of the programming of the Tikmư'ưn/Maxakali* Film Festival, taught by researcher and director Roney Freitas.


The introduction to "Audiovisual Script - Creation processes (fiction and documentary)" aims to present and discuss, by concepts and exhibition of the creation process, the fundamental elements of the writing of a cinema script, such as character, scene, structure, expressive use of space and creation of script from myths. In addition to investigating diy methods, this course brings an introduction to the universe of writing for cinema, bringing important concepts in the act of thinking about audiovisual inspired from the experience of the films of the Cinema Show Tikmư'ưn Maxakali 2020.

Lesson 1 - Documentary Script Process - 06/04, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The process of developing documentary design and editing script.  

Lesson 2 - Introduction to the Film Script - 08/04, from 19h to 21h
Aristotle's "Poetics" and its echoes: genres of writing.

Lesson 3 - Myth and script, creation processes - 13/04, from 19h to 21h
Discussion of the process of creating script from myths.