I Shows CineFlecha: (Re)Exist and Heal

Rede Cine Flecha

In times of political, sanitary and climatic crises, which violently impact indigenous peoples, the I Mostra CineFlecha: (Re) Existir e Curar presents - between October 1st and 15th - a set of films that reflects the power and diversity of contemporary indigenous cinema.

Divided into four thematic sessions, the films show the different ways in which indigenous peoples tirelessly continue to mobilize ways of (re) existing - resisting and existing again, and curing - through ancient and contemporary knowledge and practices, in the face of the hegemonic forces related unsustainable ways of life.

The curatorship of this debut edition highlights the audiovisual production of directors and indigenous cinema collectives articulated in Rede CineFlecha, among them ASCURI - Cultural Association of Indigenous Directors (Guarani, Kaiowá and Terena / MS); o Pēnãhã - Maxakali do Pradinho Cinema Collective (Maxakali / Tikmũ´ũn / MG); the Beya Xina Bena Collective (Huni Kuin / AC); the Akubaaj Cinta Larga Cinema Collective (Cinta Larga / RO); the Collective Ijã Mytyli of Cinema Manoki and Myky (Manoki and Myky / MT).

Visit https://redecineflecha.org/mostra/, check the schedule and watch the films and lives with the indigenous directors!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redecineflecha/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redecineflecha

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqM9snpQg9W3Xq0o6k5AzHw​​​​​​​

Story at FAPESP agency:



Also check out the lives of the event:
