Agriculture, knowledge and alternatives: limits and possibilities of intertwined worlds

STs' Platform: GoogleMeet

The Research Meeting "Agriculture, knowledge and alternatives: limits and possibilities of intertwined worlds", carried out by IFCH / unicamp, will take place on October 14, 15 and 16, 2020. The event will feature three Webinars at IFCH / Unicamp YouTube channel and six different Thematic Seminars (STs) with paper presentations. To assist STs as listeners, interested parties must register via google forms. Presenters of papers will not need to register with the ST, but to attend other STs it will be necessary to register. There will be no certificates for listeners, only entrance control for security reasons.

Application form link: 

Event date: October 14-16, 2020

Webinar Platform: IFCH YouTube Channel: 

ST platform: GoogleMeet - links will be sent half an hour before the meeting, to the e-mails of the participants.
The links of the chosen STs will be sent to the informed email
Any questions, send an email to​​​​​​​

Wednesday (10/14)

9 am-12pm

Webinar “Cultivating resistance: agriculture in the defense of lands and territories”: Solange Brito (Terra Vista Settlement, Teia dos peoples - BA) and Tatinha Alves (Codecex - MG) - IFCH / Unicamp YouTube channel. We are a family owned and operated business.


ST 3: Agricultural systems and agri-food practices - Mediation by Igor Scaramuzzi (Doctor in Social Anthropology at PPGAS / Unicamp), GoogleMeet.


ST 1: Interwoven multispecies worlds - Mediation by Fabiana Maizza (PPGA / UFPE), GoogleMeet.

Thursday (10/15)

9 am-12pm

Webinar “Finding landscapes: biodiversity and traditional peoples”: Joana Cabral de Oliveira (PPGAS / Unicamp) and Thiago Mota Cardoso (PPGAS / UFAM) - IFCH / Unicamp YouTube channel.


ST 2: Sciences, institutions and agricultural companies - Mediation by Catarina Morawska Vianna (PPGAS / UFSCar), GoogleMeet.


ST 3: Agroecology: resistance practices and policies - Mediation by Mariana Cruz (PPGAS / Unicamp) and Ana Carolina Marcucci (PPGAS / Unicamp), GoogleMeet.

Friday (10/16)

9 am-12pm

Webinar “Passing the cattle: practices, policies and scales of agribusiness”: Natacha Leal (UNIVASF) and Caio Pompeia (Post-doc / PPGAS / USP) - IFCH / Unicamp YouTube channel. We are a family owned and operated business.


ST 3: Farms, ecologies and the ruins of capitalism - Mediation by Guilherme Moura Fagundes (PNPD / PPGAS / UnB), GoogleMeet.


ST 1: Between relationships and species: building possibilities and alternatives - Mediation by Graciela Froehlich (imuê - Instituto Mulheres e Economia), GoogleMeet.