Researchers from the anthropology department at the VIII Lévi-Strauss Prize of the 32nd ABA meeting!

Two undergraduate research carried out under the guidance of professors from the Department of Anthropology are finalists in the VIII Lévi-Strauss Award of the 32nd ABA meeting.
See on the event website

Kelwin Marques Garcia dos Santos
The constitution of the body and the locality in the maracatu de baque virado.

Advisor: Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Research presentation video:

Laila Zilber Kontic
The Yanomami and shamanism through Claudia Andujar's photographs

Advisor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes

Research presentation video:

The Lévi-Strauss Award is an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology that aims to stimulate new careers and give visibility to the original and high-quality academic production at graduation, including results from research projects, extension, teaching initiation and other academic initiatives. Currently, the award is in its eighth edition and, at the 32nd RBA, it will be held entirely in a virtual manner.