Related Events History
Event (8 to 9/7/2021) under the co-organization of Juliana Manzoni Cavalcanti, postdoctoral student at DA-USP:
Dear colleagues,
Due to the serious events that have taken place in Colombia since last week, which culminated in strikes and violent repressions in the last few days, we decided to postpone our event, which counted on the participation of several Colombian anthropological colleagues and with the institutional support of Universidad Externado de Colombia . In this way, our decision is based primarily on respect and solidarity for what our Colombian colleagues are going through and on support, in a general way for students, academics and other Colombian citizens.
We also inform you that the tables will be transferred to the 26th and 27th of May and we count on the help of all of you to publicize this postponement carried out in an urgent manner.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
A big hug,
Juliana Caruso on behalf of the organizing committee
The film Woya Hayi Mawe - Where are you going ?, directed by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft, will be screened and discussed at the International Seminar “Africa, Brazil and the Diaspora: giving new meaning and relations between peoples”, in the section Routes and roots : music and translocality between Africa and Brazil. The screening takes place on Sunday, 01/31, at 9 am, and the debate with the directors, Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft, and the protagonist, Lenna Bahule, at 10 am, link available here.
The African presence in Brazilian music manifests itself in several ways. If, in 1966, Baden Powell "carioquizava" candomblé with the Afro-sambas he composed with Vinícius de Moraes, half a century later we live an unprecedented moment with the arrival of musicians from different African countries to the metropolis of São Paulo. In the film Afro-Sampas we see what can happen when musicians from both sides of the Atlantic are brought into contact in the city where they live. Yannick Delass (Democratic Republic of Congo), Edoh Fiho (Togo), Lenna Bahule (Mozambique) and Brazilians Ari Colares, Chico Saraiva and Meno del Picchia accepted our invitation to a first meeting in which they experience sounds, memories and creativity.
Afro-Sampas received the award for best film at the ANPOCS Meeting, 2020, and Woya Hayi Mawe - Where are you going? - another film by the same directors - was elected the best medium-length film at the Pierre Verger 2020 Award (Brazilian Association of Anthropology).
The event is commemorating São Paulo's birthday and the film's session will be online via Zoom, on January 23, Saturday, at 3 pm. Free registration!
LINK for registration here.
The International Seminar “Africa, Brazil and the Diaspora: giving new meaning to the views and relations between peoples” will be a breathtaking event dedicated to discussing and proposing a different reading on Africa-Brazil international relations, their practices, actors and other possibilities. In January 2021, a series of virtual meetings will be held with conferences, debate tables and cultural activities - conversations focused on various thematic axes inserted in a section that starts from some points of contact such as Anthropology, Sociology and African History and African Diaspora; Feminine perspectives: perspectives and movements of women in international relations; African Diaspora, Race, Migration and Refugees; Decolonial Studies and International Relations; Religiosities and Social Relations; Religiosities of African and Afro-Brazilian Matrix; International Relations actors Brazil-Africa / Africa-Brazil, in different aspects. Registration to follow online events and obtain certificates can be made through this page from November 20, 2020.
The event aims to contribute to the debate on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with different segments of culture and the arts in Brazil. For this, it will start from the presentation and discussion of the results of the survey Perception of the impacts of Covid-19 ( in the cultural and creative sectors of Brazil, of which FFLCH-USP is a supporter, followed by an expanded debate on the situation of the different artistic-cultural circuits in the period before the pandemic and during the social isolation adopted in March 2020
Online event brings together specialists from USP to discuss vaccines against covid-19
The meeting will address the issue of vaccines from the perspective of five areas of knowledge: sociology, medicine, economics, logistics and law
The Dean of Graduate Studies (PRPG), the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA) and the Superintendency of Social Communication (SCS) promote, on the next December 14 (Monday), the online event “Vaccines and covid-19: a multidisciplinary vision ”.
The meeting, which will be broadcast by Canal USP, starting at 8 am, will bring together specialists from the University who will address the issue of vaccines against coronavirus from the perspective of five areas of knowledge: sociology, medicine, economics, logistics and law.
There will be six sessions in which the scientific, epidemiological, social, economic, legal and related aspects of vaccine distribution to the population will be discussed. The mediation will be done by SCS journalist Herton Escobar.
This Wednesday at 7pm there will be a new In-Edit Talks. Marcelo Aliche and Maurício Gaia from In-Edit Brasil talk to Rose Satiko Hikiji, director, anthropologist and vice-coordinator of the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP).
In 2020, the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Studies on Technology and Territory (LINTT) celebrates its 10 years of existence. To celebrate this decade of work, researchers and students, who were part of this decade of work and research, will come together to present and discuss the various contributions of LINTT. The event will take place in the first three weeks of December and will be fully online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even with the current political, economic and public health difficulties, the meeting and the debate enable the emergence of new perspectives for the future; of hope that better days will come.