Prof. Clara Han at FFLCH

Room 10 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Prof. Clara Han at USP

Clara Han is a Professor of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University. Her research focuses on how territories and medical and legal institutions intertwine with intimate life in contexts marked by economic precarity and violence. Han has conducted over two decades of fieldwork in low-income neighborhoods in Santiago, Chile, exploring illness, violence, and kinship under conditions of deprivation. Most recently, she has conducted research in Korea, with a special focus on the Korean War. She is the author of Life in Debt: Times of Care and Violence in Neoliberal Chile and Seeing Like a Child: Inheriting the Korean War, the latter of which won the Senior Prize of the Association for Feminist Anthropology in 2022. Her work addresses the slow shifts in subjectivity, the dynamics of care and neglect in intimate relationships, and how violence is inherited across generations. Han also co-edited the volume Living and Dying in the Contemporary World with Veena Das.

Graduate students are invited to a meeting/debate with anthropologist Clara Han (John Hopkins University, United States).

Professor Clara Han will give a brief presentation of her research trajectory and comment on the ongoing research of the registered people!

Registration until September 29, 2024, at the link:

Meeting: October 1, Tuesday, at 2:00 p.m.
Location: FFLCH, Social Sciences (Middle Building), Room 10
Organization: PPGAS/USP - NUMAS/USP - Link’ArtÁfricas Project/Fapesp
In collaboration with: PPGCS/UNIFESP - PAGU/UNICAMP - PgEHA/USP - PCHS/UFABC-Kaleidoscope Project/CNPq
Financial Support: Fapesp, Capes, CNPq