FLA0101 - Introduction to Social Sciences (Anthropology)

Anthropology as academic knowledge. Formation of a literature on cultural diversity. Social evolutionism and the notions of evolution, race and progress. Criticisms of evolutionism. French Sociological School and collective representations. Introduction to the ethnographic method.
Enable students entering the Social Sciences course to have a basic and introductory training in Social Anthropology, establishing perspectives for the deepening of certain conceptual, theoretical and methodological instruments relevant to anthropological reflection. Enable students, future teachers, the knowledge, reflection and presentation of central concepts of anthropology such as culture, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, cultural diversity.

Responsible Teacher

Profª. Heloisa Buarque de Almeida
Profª. Marina Vanzolini
Profª. Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Mandatory discipline