Dear readers,
GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound. - Journal of Anthropology has just published its fifth volume!
available in
We invite you to browse the magazine's summary to access articles and other items of interest.
·Movies like things in colonial India
Marcus Banks
·Evgen Bavcar: self-portraits and spot-images
Rodrigo Frare Baroni
·The anthropologist-filmmaker and the native-a (u) tor: the transformations of Oumarou Ganda and Petit Touré in Eu, a negro, by Jean Rouch
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
·Anthropology and Photography in Brazil: the beginning of a story (1840-1970)
Fabiene Gama
·What samba is this? Samba and batucada in Barcelona, Spain
Lisabete Coradini
·Therapy of insistence: the experimental music scene and the use of trance mediated by music as therapy against evils caused by the São Paulo ethos
Renato Albuquerque de Oliveira
·The “campeiro” concept in regional music in Rio Grande do Sul: a reconfiguration of the artistic / cultural order
Eduardo Hector Ferraro
·Amulets in corners inside and outside the Pitt Rivers Museum: the anthropology we make and the critique of contemporary hegemonies
Marta da Rosa Jardim
·Religious monuments as a new type of object: genealogy and actuality of a form of Catholic presence in public space
Emerson Alessandro Giumbelli
·Between sea, mountain and iris from around the world: an approximation of Ushuaia's Penitentiary Museum
Natalia Negretti
·Raw objects
Photographic essay: Geslline Giovana Braga
·About Presences
Filmic essay: Fabio Manzione
·Visual artifacts in political manifestations: an essay on mutations in the modes of subjectification and political action between 2013 and 2018
Photographic essay: Henrique Z. M. Parra
·The images I lack
Photographic essay: Bárbara Copque
· For an anthropology of the body
Translation: John Blacking
·The artist and the stone: design, process and value in contemporary art
Translation: Roger Sansi
·Sum and subtraction: territorialities and theatrical reception
Review: Ruan Felipe Azevedo, Diego Gonçales
·The fabrication of belief by images, sounds, objects and bodies
Review: Marcus Vinícius Barreto
·Navigate between silences
Review: Luísa Valentini
·Memory Stone: Euclides Talabyan, my university is time
Review: Andréa Silva D'Amato
·More than human experience with Another Fire
Review: Felipe Figueiredo
·Make it on the ruler: aesthetics and sociability in barber shops in Rio de Janeiro
Resenha: Debora Costa de Faria
·Among relatives, who?
Resenha: Amanda Signori
·Body, gap, trace
Carolina Junqueira dos Santos
Chief Editor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Editorial Coordinator: Paula Morgado
Responsible Editor vol 5: Andrea Barbosa
Executive Secretary: Lucas Ramiro
Trainee: Leonardo Pereira dos Santos
Editorial Committee: Andrea Barbosa, Edgar Teodoro da Cunha, Érica Giesbrecht, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, John Cowart Dawsey, Paula Morgado, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Vitor Grunvald