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06/11/2020 to 07/11/2020

Editora Primata launches the collective publication "Stay in the village, relative - indigenous peoples and the covid-19 pandemic”, in partnership with the Indigenous and Indigenous Front to Combat Covid-19 between Indigenous Peoples and Lands in the Southern Region and support from Center for Amerindian Studies at the University of São Paulo (CEstA / USP) The launch will take place on November 6, at 5 pm, in a live to be broadcast through Editora's YouTube channel.

"The materials offered here, produced voluntarily, intend to go beyond the place of editorial record of a tragedy in progress, expanding the positive balance beyond its pages: the sale of books will allocate funds to the indigenous and indigenist Front for the Prevention and Combat of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Indigenous Lands in the Southern Region of Brazil, as a way of supporting autonomous initiatives to face the impacts of the pandemic, associated with the dissemination of knowledge and solidary action, with the engagement of society. " - Excerpt from the presentation signed by the organizer and the editors.

Realization: The realization is a voluntary cooperation of indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, artists and activists, initiated and supported by Editora Primata.