Research Ethics in CHS (Human and Social Sciences) The CEP (Research Ethics Committee) of FFLCH-USP: challenges for Anthropology


Texts for previous reading (preferably in that order)
1) Anthropologist and Anthropologist Code of Ethics (created in the 1986/1988 Management and changed in the 2011/2012 Management) -
2) Resolution No. 510, of April 7, 2016 - /resolucoes/2016/Reso510.pdf
3) GUERRIERO, Iara Coelho Zito. The approval of Resolution CNS nº 510/2016 is a step forward for Brazilian science. Social Health 28 (4) 09 Dec 2019 Oct-Dec 2019 -
Supporting texts (also preferably  in that order)
a) FONSECA, Claudia. Situating research ethics committees: the CEP system (Brazil) in perspective. Anthropological Horizons, Porto Alegre, year 21, n. 44, p. 333-369, Jul./Dec. 2015 - https://pesquisa.fflch.usp. br/sites/
b) DUARTE, Luiz Fernando Dias. Power practices, scientific policy and the human and social sciences: the case of the regulation of research ethics in Brazil. Oral History, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 9-29, Jul./Dec. 2014 - https://pesquisa.fflch.usp. br/sites/ 
Note: on the CEP-FFLCH page - - there are other bibliographic references.