Guidelines for returning to face-to-face activities at the University

Advisory Committee for Matters related to covid-19, designated by Ordinance GR nº 145, of 01/31/2022

Since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, USP has remained actively involved in confronting it, having contributed, daily, in these two years, relevant contributions to the social response of São Paulo and Brazil. Within the scope of professional training, we adapt and innovate teaching methodologies and initiatives to support our students and implement undergraduate and graduate courses and extension courses specially organized to think about the pandemic. As always, we were strongly dedicated to culture, research, scientific and technological innovation and scientific dissemination in all media, as well as committed to the development of public policies.

At this time, we are prepared to take on yet another responsibility: to guarantee the university community the essential interaction in face-to-face academic activities as of March 14, 2022. We also recognize the need to promote safety, self-care and supportive care in all study and work environments.

To allow the dissemination of up-to-date scientific information and ensure the preservation of the health of the USP community, we highlight the following measures:

  1. Periodic newsletters, with updated data on the pandemic situation, and videos containing interviews with members of the Rector's Advisory Committee and the Vice-Rector for covid-19 can be accessed on the Retorno Seguro website (
  2. The vaccination status of each member of the USP community is included in the e-Card, after the insertion of such information in the corporate systems Jupiter, Janus, Marte or Stou (Ifponto) and its validation by those responsible in each body. Proof of complete immunization (one dose of Janssen vaccine or two doses of any other SARS-CoV-2 vaccines) is required for access to University facilities. Such information will be useful for monitoring the occurrence of new cases of covid-19, in order to allow the investigation of possible outbreaks by the Advisory Committee.
  3. Simplified withdrawal from teaching and work activities is provided to all community members through self-declaration of symptoms compatible with covid-19, which must be inserted into corporate computer systems, according to the protocol available on the Retorno Seguro website.
  4. The evaluation of the justifications for non-vaccination from the faculty, students and employees of all Units due to possible health restrictions is the responsibility of the Health Superintendence (SAU). With this objective in mind, the following routine was created to be observed by the Undergraduate, Graduate and Human Resources Services of the University Units/Bodies:
  • Send an institutional email to with the following guidelines:
  • Highlight in the “subject” line: SIGLA UNIDADE_NUSP of the server or student. Ex. SAU_1234567.
  • Attach documentation. When non-existent, mention: NO ATTACHMENT.  
  • Request read confirmation.

5. We emphasize the following guidelines in all environments:

  • Continuous use of suitable masks, well adjusted to the face, covering from nose to chin. It is recommended to use surgical masks or the N95 type.
  • Frequent hand washing or sanitizing with 70% alcohol.
  • Avoid agglomerations.
  • Whenever possible, maintain natural ventilation, with doors and windows open. If the use of air conditioners is necessary, do not use appliances that work with air recirculation.
  • For servers who have fixed workstations, in classrooms and laboratories, it is recommended, when possible, to maintain a minimum distance of one meter.

6. Specific protocol for food spaces (cafeterias, restaurants, pantries and food trucks) can be accessed on the Retorno Seguro website.

USP will keep its campuses open for the practice of outdoor physical activities, which are recommended during this period.

Finally, we inform you that we have issued Ordinance GR No. 7,689, of February 1, 2022, which amended Ordinance GR No. 7,687/2021.

We remind you that the evolution of the covid-19 pandemic is quite dynamic. We will therefore update the guidance to the USP community whenever necessary.

By taking care of each of us, we protect everyone.

Prof. Dr. Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, reitor

Profa. Dra. Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda, vice-reitora