Related Events History

46th Annual Meeting of ANPOCS

Under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Helena Sampaio (Unicamp, ex-NUPPs), there will be a table at ANPOCS on 10/19 at 9:30 am in "HOMAGE TO EUNICE DURHAM". Professors José Álvaro Moisés and Simon Schwartzman, (both former directors of the NUPPs), Yvonne Maggie (anthropologist and friend) and Antônio Augusto Arantes (UNICAMP and her former adviser) also participate in the meeting.

06/30/2022 to 07/01/2022
Registration Period:
06/21/2022 to 07/01/2022
Musicar Local Youtube Channel

The thematic project Musicar Local and the group Pesquisas em Antropologia Musical (PAM) invite you to the International Seminar Musicar Local, to be held on 06/30 and 07/1 online.

The event marks the 6th anniversary of the thematic project and aims to show and celebrate the production carried out by its members, in addition to building together with invited researchers a critical reflection on the approach developed. Registration is optional and free! Visit: and register.

All activities will be broadcasted on the Musicar Local Channel on Youtube. Link: 

06/28/2022 to 06/30/2022
Registration Period:
05/26/2022 to 06/26/2022

Registration is open for the Seminar Indigenous Peoples: memory, truth, justice, a multidisciplinary cycle that will take place at the Research and Training Center of Sesc-SP on June 28, 29 and 30, 2022.

The activity is free, online and certified.

Registration: from 26/05 to 26/06.

Full program, registration and other information:


05/18/2022 to 05/20/2022
FFLCH-USP Youtube channel

The schedule and abstracts of the IX Colloquium History, Archeology and Anthropology of Indigenous America, which will be held on May 18, 19 and 20, are now available on the CEMA/USP website. The event will be broadcast on the FFLCH/USP YouTube channel. For more information access: Program and abstracts book

04/19/2022 to 04/19/2022
Canal da Fiocruz no YouTube

Two hundred years of the "indigenous question" will be the theme of Fiocruz's inaugural class in 2022. The activity will receive the speaker Manuela da Cunha, an anthropologist, a reference in studies on ethnology and historical anthropology. The event will take place at 9:30 am, broadcast on Fiocruz's YouTube channel.

04/02/2022 to 04/02/2022

Research developed at the Department of Anthropology at USP is presented at an event at the Queen Mary University of London on Migration, Policy and Urban Violence.

Zoom link:

03/07/2022 to 03/28/2022

Climate Emergency and Amazon Cycle, promoted by NEAI-UFAM in partnership with ANPOCS. Series on four tables ("episodes"), which will take place every Monday during this month of March. A topic generally known from the perspective of the natural sciences, this series will deal with the subject from the perspective of the social sciences, involving different academic specialists (especially from PPG's from the North of Brazil) and indigenous peoples of the region. Mondays at ANPOCS | Climate, Environment and Social Sciences - 03/07, 17:00 . Mondays at ANPOCS | The amazonic city: between water, land and air - 03/14, 17:00 . Mondays at ANPOCS | Between management and conflagration: fire and deforestation in the Amazon and elsewhere - 03/21 . Mondays at ANPOCS | Water dam, weather break - 03/28, 17:00 .

Galeria Vermelho | Rua Minas Gerais, 350 - São Paulo/SP

Launch with a chat with Yara Schreiber Dines (Gepac/Unesp Araraquara) and Heloísa Buarque de Almeida (USP)

Yara Schreiber Dines' book addresses a wide variety of views and different language trends, featuring more than 60 female photographers from the early 20th century to the present day. The images are accompanied by information about the unique trajectory of each photographer and by rich testimonies, registered exclusively for the book that seeks to situate this production in the scope of memory, gender, visual anthropology and the history of photography. In its 256 pages, the work unveils this unprecedented panorama of feminine and substantive photography in Brazil.

The book is edited by Grifo Projetos, carried out by the Special Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Tourism, sponsored by BNP Paribas, supported by the Moreira Salles Institute and the Culture Incentive Law.


Max Schmidt (1874-1950) dedicated his life to study the South American indigenous peoples. Despite his great contribution to the study of the cultures and history of these peoples, his work is still little known in Brazil. He is the author of the classic Os Aruaques, originally published in 1917, a book that to this day occupies the place of one of the most original and important studies of South American ethnology.
Written at the beginning of the last century, during the period of the First World War, Os Arauaques was originally produced as Schmidt's doctoral thesis and the ideas presented there mark the knowledge about these and other peoples since then.
Schmidt carried out three expeditions in Central Brazil and Paraguay (1900, 1910, 1926-28) and is considered one of the most important characters in the German tradition in Americanist ethnology in the 20th century. He emigrated from Germany in 1929, first to Brazil and then to Paraguay, where he died near Asuncion in 1950.


This year the V Cycle of Debates on Psychological Processes & Cultural in Emerging Themes, from GRACIAS and the Graduate Program in Psychology at FFCLRP - USP, will be opened by Sylvia Caiuby Novaes - "ABOUT THE AFFECTION IN THE EYES OF THREE WOMEN" , Sylvia is a full professor in the field of Image Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (2010), where he has been teaching since 1974. Bachelor and degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1971), she also defended her Master's in Social Anthropology (1980), doctorate at USP ( 1990) and professorship (2006). He completed his post doctorate studies at the University of Manchester (England) and at the University of Saint Andrews (Scotland). She was Visiting Professor at the Musée du quai Branly (France) and at the University of Oxford (England). She founded LISA - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology, under her coordination between 1990-2014 and since 2016. She was the main coordinator of three thematic projects financed by FAPESP. (1997-2002; 2003-2007; 2010-2015). He works in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Anthropology of Expressive Forms, Anthropology of Image and Indigenous Ethnology.